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Alexandria- AHS
Arcadia Pike east to 37 north. Turn right (east) on st. rd. 128. go through frankton, turn north on st. rd. 9. at flashing yellow light, turn left. school is on th right.

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Anderson- AND
form the west: IN 32 to Raible Ave.. turn right on Railble go until road makes a T at 38th street. turn left and go to 2nd stoplight (madison ave) turn right and go 3/4 mile south.

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Anderson Highland- A. High
from the west: RT 32 east to Raible ave. left thru the edge of town to Cross St. (200N) right, out on the east side of towm past Broadway, 109 by-pass to the school.

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Arsenal Tech- ATHS
465 south to 70 west, Michigan St. ex. Go to New York and turn left. New Yortk to Aresenal st. turn left.

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Brebeuf- BHS
St. Rd. 31 south to 82nd st. turn right. School is on the left.

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Broad Ripple- BHS
37 south to 62nd st. turn right school is on the left.

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Broad Ripple- BR
37 south south to I-465 south to 74 west. Go to Borwnsburd exit. Turn right into 267. Go to stoplight at main st. and ruen left. School is no the right.

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Brownsburg- BB
31 south to I-456 south to 74 west. Go to Brownsburg exit. Turn right on 267. Go to stoplight at main st. and turn left. School is on the right.

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Carmel High School- CHS
U.S. 31 south to 43, at first lgiht tuen right to go to parking lot or go to Main St. turn right. High School on right side.

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Carmel Jr High- CMS
31 south to meridan st. (136th) turn left. turn left at the first road, Guilford, through thr light (main st.). the school is on your right

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Chatard- C
31 south of 431 (keystone0 go 1 block past glendale shopping center and turn right (kessler) school is on the left.

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Clay Jr High- CLMS
31 south to 431 south (keystone) to 126th st. turn left. the school s on the north side of 126th a few miles east of 431

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Clinton Prarie- CP
28 west through frankfort to C.R. 450, turn left. the school is about 2 miles south of 450

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Crawfordsville- Craw
32 west to crawsfordsville . turn left on 236. turn right onto HWY 47 and proceed approx. 1/2 mile on HWY 47

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Dead Week- DW

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Eastern- EA
St Rd 19 north out of Tipton. Cross St. Rd. 26 to 100 S., turn righ. At the "T" turn left and follow around to the school which will be on your left.

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Elwood- El
19 north to 28 east to elwood. Turn left at 19th St.N. Follow to the school.

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Frankfort- FRANK
St.Rd. 19 or 31 norh to St.rd.28 take 28 west(left) to Frankfort. The school is on your right before you enter Frankfort

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Frankton- FTN
St.Rd.37 North to St.Rd. 128 east. Follow 128 east through two curves when 128 turns left at Center Street to go downtown, stay straight through 3 stop signs. The school will be on your right

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Hamilton Southeastern- HSE
The high school and junior high are between 116th Street and 126th Street on Olio Road. Taking either of these roads east from SR 37 will take you to Olio Road. Turn right from 126th Street or left from 116th.

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Heritage Christian- HC
37 south past Castleton. 1st stop light past 465 exit. Turn left, school is on the right.

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High School Camp- HSC
At the high school soccer fields

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High School

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Indianapolis Northwest High- INH
I-465 west to 38th street-head east on 38th to Moeller Rd. turn south school will be 1/2 mile

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At IPFW in Fort Wayne

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Kokomo North Campus- KNC
303 E. Superior Street—SR31 north to Sycamore Street (north of Markland Mall, Tire Barn in on the corner); turn left. The second light is Appersonway; turn left. The gym is on the corner of Appersonway and Superior Street.

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Kokomo South Campus- KSC
31 north to 26 west to 200w. there is a sign pointing you in the right direction.

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Lafayette Jefferson- LJ
St.Rd.47 to 52. turn right on 52 to teal Rd. (across from mall). turn left on Teal, go to third stop light and turn right. High school is behind Middle School

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Lapel- LPL
Arcadia Pike east to SR37 south about 1 mile; turn left on SR 13 (Wheeler’s), south through Lapel. School sits on west side of SR13.

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Lawrence Central- LC
I-465 South to 56th Street exit. Go east (left) to the 2nd stop light. Turn left into the stadium parking lot.

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Lebanon- LBN
32 West to Lebanon. 32 turns north which is Lafayette Avenue. Follow this road, don't turn back left onto 32. Follow the road straight northwest until it stops. Continue north and the school is on the right.

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Lewis Cass- LWC
US 31 north to US 35 and turn left. Take US 35 through Galveston to Walton (about 7 miles), to far side of Walton at the high school sign. Turn left and the school is about one mile on the left.

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Liberty Christian- LC
West on St. Rd. 32 , pass through Lapel, Turn right (south) on Co. Rd. 600 (also Hamilton Rd. N of 32). Continue to 200 turn left (East) (this is also 38th street). Cross St. Rd. 109. Fields are on your right (south) at Maple Grove Church Of God.

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Lutheran- LU
37 south to 465 south to Beech Grove exit. Turn left. Go to Thompson Road. Turn left. Go to the four way stop sign and turn right. The school is on the left.

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Maconaquah- MAC
31 north through Kokomo (about 7 miles) and turn right on 800 South (at the Korner Ktchen restaurant). There is a sign. The school is approximately 4 miles on the left.

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Madison Grant- MG
State Road 28 to State Road 9. The school is seven miles north on State Road 9 on the west side of the road.

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Madison Heights- MH
Take the road E. off 19 by Dairy Queen. Continue thru the country, go across 37. Continue E. and Rd. becomes 8th st. Continue on 8th st. E. into Anderson. 8th st. runs into a park. Go S. around park. Turn right on Madison Ave. The school is on the left.

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McCutcheon- MCC
State Road 47 to I-65. I-65 north to State Road 38 exit. State Road 28 west to road 231. North on 231 (about 6 miles). School is on the right.

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Mt. Vernon- MTV
37 south to 238. Take 238 east to Fortville. (238 merges with 13). Go south to downtown Fortville. On the south side of town, the sign points to the school (right).

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New Castle- NC
East on State Road 38, turn right (south) on State Road 3. Turn left (east) on Parkview Drive. Go two blocks. The high school is on the right side of the road.

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New Palestine- NP
37 south to 465 south to Brookville Road/New Palestine exit. Turn right. Go 8 miles. As you enter town, the school is two to three blocks to the right off of the main road.

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Noblesville- NOB
19 South to 206th Street stop light, turn left. At the next stop sign, turn right (Cumberland Road). Continue south until you reach the high school.

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North Montgomery- NM
State Road 32 west to I-74. Go northwest on I-74 to US 231. Go north on US 231 for about two miles. The school is on the left side of the road.

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Northwestern- NW
US 31 North to US 26 Turn Left for Two Miles To 200 West Turn Right..Proceed North on 200 West to SR 22…and Turn Left..Proceed West 2 miles to Count Road 400 West..Turn Right…and Proceed Two Miles to School.

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Park Tudor- PT
31 south to 86th Street. Turn left. Go to college. Turn right (south) to 75th Street. The school is on the right side of the street.

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Pendleton Heights- PH
37 south to 38 east to Pendleton. The school is at the junction of 38 and State Road 9.

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Peru- PER
31 north to 24 east to Businees 31 south. This puts you on the north side of Peru. Business 31 south to the second stoplight. There is a Hardee's on the left, this is Daniel Street. Turn left and the school is on the left.

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Pike- PI
US 37 to I-465. I-465 West to 71st St. Left on 71st St. to Zionsville, Rd., School is on the left.

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Rossville- ROS
US 37 to I-465. I-465 west to 71st Street. Turn left on 71st to Zionsville Road. The school is on the left side.

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Scecina- SCE
69 South to 465 south to 70 west to Emerson. Take Emerson south to Nowland Avenue. Turn right. The school is on the right side of the road.

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Sheridan- SHE
Cicero Pike (236th Street) west. Cross 31 and continue west to Sheridan. Turn right at 38. When 38 turns left to go into town, go straight. Go past the stop sign. The school is on the right.

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Southmont- SM
32 west to Crawfordsville. Turn left on 236. Go approximately 4 to 5 miles outside of town. The school is on the right side of the road.

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Taylor- TAY
19 north through Tipton. Turn left on County Road 300 South, which is the first road north of 26. There is a sign to help you. The school is two miles on the right.

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Tipton- TIP
19 north. School is on the right side of 19.

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Tri-Central- TC
19 north through Tipton. Follow the signs on 19 to the school

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Two-a-Day Practices- TDA
Location at the high school soccer fields.

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University High School- UHC
Go south on US 31 to 116th Street. Turn right on 116th Street and cross Towne Road. The school is on the left side of the road. 2825 West 116th Street in Carmel.

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Warren Central- WC
37 to I-465. South on I-465 to I-70 east. East on I-70 to Post Road. Right on Post Road through the first light until you see the "Walker Career Center" sign on the right. Turn left on 18th Street. The school is on the right side of the street.

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Wes-Del- WD
State Road 28 east past I-69 to flashing light at 600 west. Turn left and the school is on the right

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Western- WES
31 north to State Road 26. Turn left to 200 W (stop light) and turn right (Dixon Road). Go 2 miles to the stop sign in Alto and turn left. Proceed four miles. The school is on the right.

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Western Boone- WB
32 west through Lebanon. Corner of 32 and 75. The school is on the right side of the road.

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Westfield- WTF
31 south to Hoover Street (street just before State Road 32). Turn left on Hoover Street. Go to the stop sign (Union Street). Turn left onto Union. OR.. 19 south to 32 west to stop light in Westfield (Union Street). Turn right onto Union.

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Yorktown- YTN
Arcadia Pike east across 37 and 9. Keep going east. You will come to a "T". The school is at the corner of the "T".

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Youth Camp- YC
At the high school soccer fields

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Zionsville- ZVL
State Road 47 to 421.Turn left. Go to 116th Street. Turn right. One block past the youth athletic fields, turn right. Go to the "T" and turn left.

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